These things are as sweet as they look. And dare we say, may be the greatest invention since sliced bread. Appropriate, since they are essentially sliced weights. Bowflex SelectTech weights are the IDEAL solution for home gyms, both for space saving and money saving purposes. Each dumbbell is adjustable to 90 pounds. Just turn the little dial thingy, and it’s ready to go. No bar loading, no giant rack of weights, and most importantly, you won’t have to drain your checking account to get a full set of wieghts. These puppies replace 34 standard dumbbells. There is also a cheaper set that can be adjusted up to 52 pounds. But don’t worry, for those of you who just can’t stand saving money, there are plenty of optional up-sells, including the SelectTech weight stand, and a rubber Bowflex mat thingy.
Bowflex SelectTech
Nothing dumb about these dumbbells.
These bad boys are the future.
Category: Gear & Equipment
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