From the people who brought you P90X1…and P90X2…comes P90X3!! Ok, we’re not really sure why there are three of them (probably for the same reason there are three of every movie: $$$). All we know is that the first one hit the fitness world like a Mack truck. Unless you’ve been living at the bottom of the Mariana Trench for the last decade, you’ve probably heard of this program. It may very well have been the top selling home fitness DVD of all time, and that statistic is based on absolutely nothing. P90X3 claims to get you ripped in 30 minutes a day, while working out in the comfort of your own home. Don’t let that fool you, if it’s anything like the first one, don’t be expecting headbands, pink weights, and dance moves. P90X will have you sweating so much you’ll stain your living room carpet (but seriously, you may want to put down a mat or something.)
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